Below Zero Gaming
Are you a casual gamer? Or, are you looking to take your gaming to the next level on a competitive team? We have both. Click the Join Us panel below to join BZG.
What we offer:
- Casual and competitive
- Tournaments
- Custom nights
Below Zero Gaming strives to be a non-toxic and highly reputable gaming and e-sports community. The rules set forth below are designed to maintain a safe, welcoming, and engaging community.
Defining Toxic
• Disrespecting a downed or dead opponent is prohibited, including but not limited to shooting bodies, “tea-bagging”, or any other derogatory behavior to the body
• No rage quitting
• Comments based on race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, culture, faith, mental or physical abilities, or country of origin are strictly prohibited
NSFW Content
Sexually explicit or suggestive content or language is strictly prohibited in texts and voice channels that are not explicitly marked as age restricted. The following types of content will be considered “sexually explicit”:
• Texts that openly or clearly describes partial or full adult nudity, such as sexually graphic text as part of a fanfiction story or sexually stimulating roleplay exchange
• Media that openly or clearly depicts partial or full adult nudity, such as a photo of a nude individual or a videos of individuals engaged in a sex act
• Drawn or AI-generated text or imagery that includes graphic sexual content
• Sexually suggestive content that is clearly and only being shared for the explicit purpose of sexual satisfaction
• All clan communications are to go through the server
• Anything you think needs to be brought to leadership’s attention is to be done in private.
• Transmitting sexual or explicit messages without members prior approval will result in an automatic ban and blacklist from BZG
• Soliciting others for any kind of currency, real or in game, is prohibited
• We are an 18+ community
• Those under 18 may be considered with the visual approval of the parent and the approval of the BZG Owner
• If any member’s children wish to join, the parent must notify leadership
• All new members must be active in game and BZG for 2 weeks to be considered for any comp or recruitment teams to ensure commitment to the organization. Exceptions may be granted by a commander.
• Hacks, cheats, or banned external devices are strictly prohibited. If you are suspected of such behavior, you will receive a Discord timeout • pending an investigation. If you are found to be cheating in any way, you will receive a ban.
• Cheating or knowingly playing with someone who cheats doesn’t only ruin the game for everyone, it ruins this clan’s reputation
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