Hardcorps Gaming
HardCorps Gaming
Welcome to HardCorps Gaming!
Hardcorps Gaming is looking for new members!
Looking for a great group of guys and gals to run with?
We are a multi gaming adult community.
We are looking for people over 18 with a working mic and discord.
We have over 309 active members on discord and growing daily!
(If you find us through please let us know when you join. Thanks!)
HARDCORPS Call Of Duty Group
Join Hardcorps Gaming Group Online!
Find members online quick by joining the group and stay connected whenever you are online.
1: Go to Social
2: Go to groups
3: Search “Hardcorps”
4: Request to join the group.
If you need any more help feel free to fill out a ticket or ask one of the many officers or members within the community.
Our Discord:
or Message @ xHCGxjordy directly @ with any problems 😉
Here’s a few things we offer here at Hardcorps:
Our own custom merchandise.
✨️Game, merch and gift card giveaways monthly.
✨️Streamer support to help reach your dreams.
✨️People from all over the world
✨️Optional ranking structure.
✨️Free custom logos for all members.
✨️In community tournaments.
✨️Active discord with many channels.
✨️Our own custom website.
✨️Many affiliate sponsors.
Must Follow
1: Harassment of any kind is not welcome within our community, and will not be tolerated.
2: All members within The Hardcorps Gaming community are to act accordingly to our values. We expect our members to act respectfully and to treat each other kindly at all times. If you do not get along with member in the community, that’s okay but please act like an adult and ignore them. You can also always open up a ticket to get help from a lead admin. We also expect our members to treat people outside the community with the same respect as you show inside. We do not promote nasty behavior in anyway. This does not include normal “trash talk” in game.
3: All members must be wearing the [xHCGx] clan tag at all times for any game that allows Gamertags. [With Proof] then HCG can be used. The only exceptions allowed would be for our HCG streamers who have filled out the streamers agreement.
4: No cheating, boosting, ddossing, or hacking is allowed in anyway.
5: Do not post anything NSFW on our Facebook page or Discord server.
6: Be mindful of others around you.
7: Relationships are welcome within our community as long as you are abiding by our guidelines. Relationships must be kept to yourselves. Please be respectful towards the opposite sex.
8: Do not send unwanted messages to anyone within the community. This goes for asking for personal information such as if someone is single, flirting, or any sexual messages.
9: While being apart of Hardcorps Gaming Community you are not permitted to be affiliated or a member of another gaming community or clan.
10: Do not bully or threaten anyone inside or outside the community.
11: Please do not flaunt off your gaming skills. We are all here to make friends and game with each other, so lets have fun!
Keep the community safe by following the guildelines
Our Games
Our Platforms